
Chan Wu classes for adults (6800/9800 / person) / 中文


Basic content:

Virtue, martial arts theory, etiquette, qigong theory, acupuncture, self-defense, martial arts basic skills, boxing exercises, footwork exercises, pile method exercises, qigong breathing method, chi manipulation

Martial arts qigong exercises:

Qigong basis, Shaolin Chan Gong, Shaolin Chan Wu Zhou pile, Shaolin Ba Duan Jin, Turtle Gong, turtle breathing exercises, Shaolin Lohan gong, vital energy cultivation, Shaolin Iron Palm, Shaolin Iron shin, Iron Fist, Iron Head, Shaolin Iron Vest, Shaolin eagle Claw, two-finger Chan training, Chan Wu Qigong,

Adult classes Wushu content

Chain fist, Lin Xiao Hong Quan, Lin Da Hong fist, fist fighting, self-defense skills.

Adult martial arts training equipment

Shaolin stick, Shaolin broadswords, Shaolin spear, Shaolin knife, Shaolin trident, Two section stick, Shaolin sword.

Chan Wu elderly health preservation exercises (6800,9800 / person)

Basic contents:

Virtue, martial arts theory, etiquette, qigong theory, acupuncture, self-defense, martial arts basic skills, boxing exercises, footwork exercises, pile method exercises, qigong breathing method, chi manipulation

Health Qigong practice:

Qigong basis, Shaolin Chan Gong, Shaolin Chan Wu Zhou pile, Shaolin Ba Duan Jin, Turtle Gong, turtle breathing exercises, Shaolin Lohan gong, vital energy cultivation.


Kids’ and teens’ Wushu Chan Wu classes


Basic contents:

Virtue, martial arts theory, etiquette, martial arts enlightenment, children Changong, qigong breathing method.

Basic Martial Arts Training

Wushu Etiquette, warm-up exercise, martial arts footwork, pile method, agility and flexibility exercises, boxing combinations, kicking combinations, flips, both leg kicks, five-step boxing, etc. Wushu basic skills.


Chain fist, eight chain fist, red fist, red boxing, Shaolin kids’ exercises, Shaolin boxing.

Routine equipment

Basics of stick work, Shaolin Yin stick, two section stick, Shaolin knife, Shaolin single-pole, self-defense

Adolescents disciple of Zen Wu classes Note: Private classes available.

Every Wushu Chan Wu student should, through the study of Zen martial arts, improve overall physical and mental qualities, enhance self-control, while increasing the child’s rapid response capabilities and thinking skills, sense of responsibility, increasing values, so that each student can be: healthy, independent, confident, and better person.

Zen Wu teenagers course has following benefits:

NO1: overall fitness – martial arts kicks, stances and other exercises to enhance children strength and flexibility,

NO2: special education – practicing martial arts can have positive brain stimulation which improves children imagination and creativity.

NO3: pure heart – martial arts can improve will and develop courage, help children learn how to properly treat people and things.

NO4: polite – martial arts will develop respectful, humble, friendly and tolerant attitude.

NO5: confidence.

 Zen Wu martial arts lifelong disciple


Basic contents:

Virtue, martial arts theory, etiquette, qigong theory, acupuncture, self-defense, martial arts basic skills, boxing exercises, footwork exercises, pile method exercises, qigong breathing method, chi manipulation

Qigong health practice:

Qigong basis, Shaolin Chan Gong, Shaolin Chan Wu Zhou pile, Shaolin Ba Duan Jin, Turtle Gong, turtle breathing exercises, Shaolin Lohan gong, vital energy cultivation,

(Qigong practice early in the morning, at noon, and afternoon at 4pm)

Qigong basis, Shaolin Chan Gong, Shaolin Chan Wu Zhou pile, Shaolin Ba Duan Jin, Turtle Gong, turtle breathing exercises, Shaolin Lohan gong, vital energy cultivation, Shaolin Iron Palm, Shaolin Iron shin, Iron Fist, Iron Head, Shaolin Iron Vest, Shaolin eagle Claw, two-finger Chan training, Chan Wu Qigong,

Adult classes Wushu content

Chain fist, Lin Xiao Hong Quan, Lin Da Hong fist, fist fighting, Eight pieces of brocade, Shaolin boxing, self-defense skills.

Adult martial arts training equipment

Shaolin stick, Shaolin broadswords, Shaolin spear, Shaolin knife, Shaolin trident, Two section stick, Shaolin sword.